Website Internationalization & Design


Bent Webflow’s framework to support an RTL Language integrated it with multiple CMS systems and fully customized the Web Interface.

This project was outsourced by Monshaat (Saudi Small-Medium Enterprises General Authority) to Mozn Systems, then to our lead engineer in collaboration with the industry's best.

TagsCMSIl8nWebsiteCompletion Date18-12-2022


With a full-fledged Forum/Communities's Relations Platform and the Main PHP LMS, We spearheaded the full-stack development
for this project, worked closely with Talents Visual Illustrators & Artists Later On, to give the platforms a whole refurbished front-end.

Skills Utilized 

  • Full-Stack Development
  • Communication Skills
  • Analytical Skills
  • Il8n
  • Planning & Design
  • Databases

Resources Used

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